Top 100 wines of Santa Catarina
Discover the top 100 best wines of Santa Catarina as well as the best winemakers in the region. Explore the varietals of the wines that are popular of Santa Catarina and the best vintages to taste in this region.
Santa Catarina is a state in the far South of Brazil. Quality wine production is still in its early stages, but is likely to develop rapidly as the industry develops country wide. To date, Santa Catarina's production is a mix of red, white and Sparkling wines.
It Lies immediately North of the country's southernmost state (and most prolific wine region), Rio Grande do Sul.
Located between the latitudes of 26°S and 29°S, Santa Catarina is far from the most obvious of locations for winegrowing. It lies entirely outside the 'wine belt' (the band of latitudes in which effective viniculture is traditionally thought possible). In the southern hemisphere, the wine belt encircles the globe between 30°S and 45°S.
It is on the high-lying plateau, the Planalto Catarinense, that almost all of Santa Catarina's vineyards are located.
The main wine-producing zones are in the central-southern portion of the state, around the towns of Sao Joaquim, Campos Novos and Cacador.
Altitude plays a key role in the Terroir here, particularly in keeping temperatures down. The plateau ranges between 915m and 1400m (3000ft and 4600ft). Basalt soils feature strongly in some parts of the planalto and are credited with bringing complexity to the wines.
I remember watching the London fireworks on television last New Year’s Eve. They were spectacular to watch, but where there would usually be throngs of spectators, the streets remained incongruously empty. Social distancing was still in force. It reminded me of my year’s wine drinking up to that point: some dazzling bottles, but often enjoyed without company – or via a screen. As 2022 began, the Covid-19 pandemic gradually relaxed its grip and many of us hurried back to everyday life. The usual ...
‘Thanks to our incredibly generous wineries, donors, and sponsors, the AWW can continue its mission to uplift the Washington wine industry and grow its efforts to support healthy communities and healthy land in Washington state’, said Jamie Peha, executive director of the Auction of Washington Wines. ‘Together with our philanthropic partners, Seattle Children’s, WSU Viticulture & Enology Research, and Industry Grant Partner Vital Wines, we ensure that our charitable efforts ...
For the first time, the Decanter Wine Club is allowing non-members to snap up a box of their holiday wines, while stocks last. {"content":"PC9wPgo8cCBzdHlsZT0idGV4dC1hbGlnbjogY2VudGVyOyI+PHNwYW4gc3R5bGU9ImZvbnQtd2VpZ2h0OiA0MDA7Ij5JZiB5b3Uga25vdyBzb21lb25lIHdobyB3b3VsZCBsb3ZlIGEgc2VsZWN0aW9uIG9mIHRvcC1zY29yaW5nIHdpbmVzLCBhcyBzY29yZWQgYnkgRGVjYW50ZXJzIGV4cGVydCBqdWRnaW5nIHBhbmVsLCB0aGVuIG5vdyBpcyB5b3VyIGNoYW5jZSB0byBzcG9pbCB0aGVtLCBpdCYjODIxNztzIHRoZSBnaWZ0IHRoYXQga2VlcHMgb24gZ2l2aW ...